Prior Authorization for Radiology is Easier With US
Imaging procedures, especially those which are higher in cost like MRI, PET Imaging and CT require prior authorization. It is true that performing such services without obtaining the prior approval will create a denial of payment.
The imaging center staff must be well versed with the knowledge of the plans that need prior authorization. The best way to realize is through experience with the plans that a healthcare practice encounters majorly.
Obtaining the correct information upfront, having a clear estimate of how much revenue your practice should be collecting is something that has to be addressed. Also, coordination, monitoring and changing the authorization as and when necessary, monitoring the denial reports and implementing an action plan with quality best practices in place should be the idea ahead.

Sunknowledge Defines Prior Authorization for Radiology
Over the years, Sunknowledge Services Inc has earned a unique distinction of working with both healthcare payers and providers with great credibility. The best part of being a Sunknowledge client will be the flexibility and great consistency that is offered.
By working as a reliable operational extension, Sunknowledge extends superior prior authorization for radiology at the most affordable rates in the marketplace. Right now, we are working with top radiology practices across the country, helping them with dedicated assistance, ongoing communication support with an excellent back and forth mechanism with information sharing.
We help in eliminating pain points, challenges with practice management that kills both time & money, staff time. Partner with us, if you are looking for a genuine extension of your operations that will help in delivering you faster prior authorization for radiology services on a standalone/ end to end basis.
Looking to Know More: We are Here to Share
Our experts will be sharing with you a clear cut action plan on how we will be eliminating challenges in your practice management efforts. We are versatile across all major practice management systems/ billing platforms and will be transforming your cash flow. Leverage the opportunity Sunknowledge offers in prior authorization for radiology. We are a one-stop destination for all your practice management needs.
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